PArental Care Strategies (PACS) of arctic shorebirds: consequences of the interplay between abiotic conditions and predator-prey interactions on breeding success changes
Financement du programme : ANR PRC PACS 2021-2025
There is ample evidence that climate changes (CC) are among the most influential drivers of biodiversity, and predicting the consequences of CC on species and their ecosystems is a major
challenge for ecologists. Most studies have concentrated on the effects of CC of phenology and physiology on organisms, as well as changes in the distribution and range shifts of species. By
contrast, detailed studies of animal behaviour and species interactions remain scarce. Thus, in the current context of CC, understanding the relative contributions of abiotic and biotic factors
in driving the behaviour of species remains among the major questions for ecologists. Abiotic factors (here including temperature, precipitations, snow regimes and, by extension, primary
productivity) directly impact breeding success of birds, and are expected to induce modulation of their parental care strategies (PACS). However, PACS can also be influenced by biotic
interactions like predation. Furthermore, individual responses (incl. PACS) to changes in abiotic factors and predator-prey interactions are often studied separately, while they may act in
synergy. Thus, understanding the complex interplay between abiotic factors and biotic interactions is essential to fully understand how individuals cope with their changing environment and to
what extent they can respond to ongoing CC.
In the Arctic, two main strategies of PACS co-occur in shorebirds during incubation: biparental care, in which both parents share incubation duties, and uniparental care, in which only one adult
incubates the eggs. Time allocation during incubation period is likely to result from a trade-off between maintaining egg temperature, energy requirements of the breeding adults and nest
predation risk.
Because the Arctic region is warming more rapidly than any other on Earth, and the changes in temperatures and snowmelt are affecting a broad array of resident and migratory arctic organisms,
this region and its species are highly exposed to CC and particularly suited to answer our questions. Furthermore, the limited number of interacting species, as well as the strong seasonality and
short summer (i.e., most species are only interacting a few weeks or months a year), makes biotic interactions easier to study in the Arctic than elsewhere. The small and well characterized
trophic network of shorebirds, lemming and arctic fox, is an ideal ecological system to study predator-prey interactions and their sensitivity to CC at different temporal, spatial and
organizational scales.
Taking advantage of these unique conditions and multisite approach, with 6 sites distributed across the Arctic with different abiotic conditions and predation risk, the overall objectives of this
study are to model the optimal PACS routines which maximize the reproductive success of the birds at the scale of the season (task1), to investigate in the field the responses (in terms of PACS)
of shorebirds (genus Calidris) to changes in abiotic conditions (task 2), and predation risk (task 3), and then to integrate these results in a synergetic model (task 4) that will assess the
respective and combined contributions of abiotic factors and inter-specific interactions in explaining observed predation rates on shorebird nests.
Directs and indirect impacts of predator-prey interactions on the non linear dynamics of arctic vertebrate communites facing climate changes
Financement du programme
IPEV programmes Interactions 1 (2011-2014), Interactions 2 (2015-2018) et Interactions 3 (2019-2022)
PRC CNRS Russie (2018-2020)
Les lemmings et leurs prédateurs sont les éléments les plus structurants des communautés de vertébrés terrestres arctiques. Leurs densités et dynamiques sont, directement et indirectement, à la fois impactées et déterminantes pour les dynamiques de population des autres vertébrés. Aujourd'hui, les principales interactions prédateur-proie responsables de ces dynamiques souvent fortement cycliques sont du plus en plus perturbées par les changements climatiques au Groenland et ailleurs dans l’Arctique. En comparant les différences observées entre différents sites et à différentes échelles géographiques (régionale et circumpolaire), nous serons en mesure de mieux comprendre et évaluer la contribution respective des différents types d'interactions sur le fonctionnement et la dynamique de cette communauté emblématique de l'Arctique. Les résultats attendus dans le cadre de ce renouvellement de programme permettront d’affiner nos prédictions sur les différentes trajectoires que ces écosystèmes suivront à l'avenir en fonctions des divers scénarios climatiques, et les implications de ces évolutions sur la biodiversité arctique en général
Publications significatives:
73 - Gilg O; Bollache L; Afonso E; Yannic G; Schmidt NM; Hansen LH; Hansen J; Sittler B; Lang J; Meyer N; Sabard B; Gilg V; Lang A; Lebbar M; Haukisalmi V; Henttonen H; & Moreau j. 2019. Are gastrointestinal parasites associated with the cyclic population dynamics of their arctic lemming hosts? International Journal for Parasitology - Parasites and Wildlife 10: 6-12
72 - Bulla M, Reneerkens J, Weiser EL, Valcu M, Sokolov A, Taylor AR, Sittler B, Katrínardótti B, Sandercock B, McCaffery BJ, Latty C, Ruthrauff DR, Catlin DU, Payer DC, Ward D, Solovyeva DV, Santos ESA, Rakhimberdiev E, Nol E, Kwon E, Brown GS, Hevia GD, River Gates H, Hansen J, Lamarre JF, Rausch J, Conklin JR, Johnson J, Bêty J, Lang J, Machín P, Hungar J, Fernández-Elipe J, Exo KM, Tibbitts L, Bollache L, Bertellotti M, Giroux MA, van de Pol M, Johnson M, Boldenow ML, Soloviev M, Sokolova N, Senner NR, Lecomte N, Meyer N, Martin Schmidt N, Gilg O, Smith PA, Martin PD, McGuire RL, Cerboncini RAS, Ottvall R, van Bemmelen RSA, Swift RJ, Jamieson SE, Saalfeld ST, Brown S, Kendall S, Piersma T, Albrecht T, D'Amico VL, Lanctot RB, Kempenaers B & Liebezeit J. 2019. Comment on "Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds". Science. 364: 6445
65 - Moreau J, Perroud L, Bollache L, Yannic G, Teixeira M, Martin Schmidt N, Reneerkens J & Gilg O. 2018. Discrimating uniparental and biparental breeding strategies by monitoring nest temperature. Ibis. 160: 13-22
48 - Gilg O, Moe B, Hanssen SA, Schmidt NM, Sittler B, Hansen J, Reneerkens J, Sabard B, Chastel O, Moreau J, Phillips RA, Oudman T, Biersma EM, Fenstad AA, Lang J & Bollache L. 2013. Trans-Equatorial Migration Routes, Staging Sites and Wintering Areas of a High-Arctic Avian Predator: The Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus). PlosONE 8: e64614
41 - Gilg O, K M Kovacs, J Aars, J Fort, G Gauthier, D Gremillet, R A Ims, H Meltofte, J Moreau, E Post, N Martin Schmidt, G Yannic, & L Bollache. 2012. Climate change and the ecology and evolution of Arctic vertebrates. Annals of the new york academy of sciences. 1249: 166-190.
Invasions d'écosystèmes d'eau courante par des Crustacés : dynamiques, conséquences et outils de gestion
Financement du programme Ministère de l'Environnement (2011-2004) et Région Bourgogne (2011-2013)
Par l'impact des activités humaines et aménagements touchant aux écosystèmes dulçaquicoles, les cas répertoriés et risques d'invasions biologiques dans ces milieux sont importants et irréversibles. Ce projet propose une étude pluridisciplinaire de l'évolution des populations invasives et des mécanismes déterminant leur installation, leur diffusion et leurs impacts, chez des crustacés d'eau douce Amphipodes de même d'origine géographique, différant par leur date d'introduction en France et leur potentiel compétiteur (Gammarus roeseli, et Dikerogammarus villosus), et chez des 3 espèces d'écrevisses invasives (Orconectes limosus, Pacifastacus leniusculus et Procambarus clarkii). L'étude comparée des populations natives et introduites porte sur leur structure génétique et la variabilité de traits d'histoire de vie, morphologiques et physiologiques, en interaction avec l'environnement (qualité de l'eau et interactions biotiques) et sur la redondance fonctionnelle entre les espèces natives et exotiques.
Publications significatives:
53 -Dunoyer L, Dijoux L, Bollache L & Lagrue C. 2014. Effects of crayfish on leaf litter breakdown and shredder prey: are native and introduced species functionally redundant? Biological Invasions. 16 : 1545-1555.
52 - Lagrue C, Podgorniak L, Lecerf A & Bollache L. 2014. An invasive species may be better than none: invasive signal and native noble crayfish have similar community effects. Freshwater Biology. 59: 1982-1995.
36 - Lagrue C, Kaldonski N, Motreuil S, Lefèvre T, Blatter O, Giraud P & Bollache L. 2011. Interspecific differences in drift behaviour between the native Gammarus pulex and the exotic Gammarus roeseli, and possible implications for the invader’s success. Biological Invasions. 13 : 1409 – 1421.
26 - Bollache L., Dick J. T. A., Farnsworth K. D. & Montgomery W. I. 2008. Comparison of the functional responses of invasive and native amphipods. Biology Letters. 4: 166-169.
11- Bollache L., Devin S., Wattier R., Chovet M., Beisel J. N., Moreteau J. C. & Rigaud T. 2004. Rapid range extension of the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus in France: potential consequences. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. 160: 57-66.
Variation des modifications de comportement induites par les parasites acanthocéphales sur leurs hôtes du genre Gammarus
Les parasites acanthocéphales sont connus pour induire de nombreuses altérations du phénotype chez leurs hôtes intermédiaires et plus particulièrement chez les gammares (Crustacés amphipodes). Les changements les plus spectaculaires induits par le parasite étant les modifications du comportement de l’hôte intermédiaire afin de permetre au parasite de rejoindre son hôte défintif (poisson ou oiseau). Ce projet se propose d'étudier les variations associées à la manipulation comportementale, le caractère adaptatif de cette manipulation et l'évolution des cycles des parasites.
Publications significatives:
46 - Lagrue C, Guvenatam E & Bollache L. 2013. Manipulative parasites may not alter intermediate host distribution but still enhance their transmission: field evidence for increased vulnerability to definitive hosts and non-host predator avoidance. Parasitology. 140: 258-265.
40 - Dianne L, Bollache L, Lagrue C, Franceschi N & Rigaud T. 2012. Larval size acanthocephalan parasites: Influence of intraspecific competition and effects on intermediate host behavioral changes. Parasites & Vectors. 5: 166
34 - Medoc M, Rigaud T, Motreuil S, Perrot-Minnot MJ & Bollache L. 2011. Paratenic host as regular transmission route in acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis: potential implication for food webs. Naturwissenschaften 98: 825-835.
33 - Galipaud M, Gauthey Z & Bollache L. 2011. Pairing success and sperm reserve of male Gammarus pulex infected by Cyathocephalus truncatus (Cestoda: Spathebothriidea). Parasitology. 138: 1429-1435
32 - Franceschi N., Bollache L., Cornet S., Bauer A., Motreuil S. & Rigaud T. 2010. Co-variation between the intensity of behavioural manipulation and parasite development time in an acanthocephalan-amphipod system. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 23, 2143–2150.
31 - Franceschi N., Lemaitre J. F., Cezilly F. & Bollache L. 2010. Size-assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda): a test of the prudent choice hypothesis. Animal Behaviour. 79: 911-916.
30 - Franceschi N, Cornet S, Bollache L, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Bauer A, Motreuil S & Rigaud T. 2010. Variation between populations and local adaptation in acanthocephalan-induced parasite manipulation. Evolution. 64: 2417-2430.
28 - Medoc V., Rigaud T., Bollache L. & Beisel J. N. 2009. A manipulative parasite increasing an antipredator response decreases its vulnerability to a nonhost predator. Animal Behaviour. 77: 1235-1241.
18- Lagrue C., Kaldonski N., Perrot-minnot M. J., Motreuil S. & Bollache L. 2007. Modification of host's behaviour by a parasite: field evidence for adaptive manipulation. Ecology. 88: 2839-2847.
Etude des patrons d'appariement et de la diversité chez le complexe d'espèces Gammarus pulex/fossarum
La biologie de reproduction du crustacé amphipode Gammarus pulex est caractérisée par une phase de gardiennage précopulatoire couramment analysé comme une stratégie compétitive développée par les mâles afin d’assurer leur reproduction. Une homogamie en fonction de la taille est fréquemment observée lors de cette phase de gardiennage, tel que les grands mâles sont appariés aux grandes femelles, et les mâles d’une taille moindre aux femelles plus petites. Les déterminants de cette homogamie restent encore mal connus et sont explorés dans ce projet. En second, nous nous proposons d'analyser la diversité de ce complexe d'espèce, notamment la diversité cryptique, et les liens avec les patrons d'appariement en génotypes
Publications significatives:
75 - Galipaud M, Bollache L, Lagrue C. 2019. Acanthocephalan infection patterns in amphipods: a reappraisal in the light of recently discovered host cryptic diversity. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 136: 107–121.
64 - Iltis C, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Galipaud M, Moreau J, Bollache L & Louapre P. 2017. The curse of being single: both male and female Gammarus pulex benefit energetically from precopulatory mate guarding. Animal Behaviour 130: 67-72.
57 - Galipaud M, Gauthey Z, Turlin J, Bollache L & Lagrue C. 2015. Mate choice and male-male competition among morphologically cryptic but genetically divergent amphipod lineages. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 69: 1907-1916.
54 - Galipaud M, Bollache L, Oughadou A & Dechaume-Moncharmont FX. 2015. Males do not always switch females when presented with a better reproductive option. Behavioural Ecology. 26: 359- 366
51 - Lagrue C, Wattier R, Galipaud M, Gauthey Z, Rullman JP, Dubreuil C, Rigaud T & Bollache L. 2014. Confrontation of cryptic diversity and mate discrimination within Gammarus pulex and Gammarus fossarum species complexes. Freshwater Biology. 59: 2555-2570.
45 - Galipaud M, Bollache L & Dechaume-Moncharmont FX. 2013. Assortative mating by size without a size-based preference: the female-sooner norm as a mate guarding criterion. Animal Behaviour. 85: 35-41.
35 - Galipaud M, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Oughadou A & Bollache L. 2011. Females benefit from precopulatory mate guarding in the Amphipod Gammarus pulex. Biology Letters. 7:333-335.
31 - Franceschi N., Lemaitre J. F., Cezilly F. & Bollache L. 2010. Size-assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda): a test of the prudent choice hypothesis. Animal Behaviour. 79: 911-916.
29 - Lemaitre J. F., Rigaud T., Cornet S. & Bollache L. 2009. The effect of sperm depletion on male mating behaviour and reproductive “time-out” in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Animal Behaviour. 77: 49-54.
9 - Bollache L. & Cézilly F. 2004. Sexual selection on male body size and assortative pairing in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda): field surveys and laboratory experiments. Journal of Zoology. 264: 135-141.